The PerfectIt Blog

Here you will find tips and tricks for more efficient editing techniques and improved content. Explore a wealth of ideas, practical advice, and industry best practices that will help you save time while improving the quality of your written documents.

Editing Daniel Heuman Editing Daniel Heuman

The Ethics of Draftsmith

The ethics of AI is one of the most important questions of our time. If you’re looking for great insight into that question, you’re in the wrong place! At Intelligent Editing, we’re not AI ethicists. We don’t spend our days researching the rights and wrongs of AI. We haven’t studied how the law needs to adapt to changes in technology.

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Editing Hannah Scott Editing Hannah Scott

12 Things PerfectIt Doesn’t Do

One of the joys of working on PerfectIt is the engagement of our users. I love the requests you send, ideas you bring, and the problems you ask us to solve. But what I think makes PerfectIt stand out and makes it so useful is that it doesn’t do everything. We design for professionals.

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Editing PerfectIt Editing PerfectIt

The Editor’s Guide to Marketing Yourself

Independent editors play a crucial role across nearly every industry. However, if you run your own editing business then you know how difficult it can be to find time to market your services. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to help you demonstrate and market your value.

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Editing Daniel Heuman Editing Daniel Heuman

Free e-book: Wildcard Cookbook for Word

Are you getting the most you can from Microsoft Word? Wildcard search is one of the most powerful features in Word. You can use it to quickly find errors and make changes throughout a document in a matter of seconds. However, wildcards can be complicated. Even advanced users can struggle to keep track of wildcard patterns and their meaning. The Wildcard Cookbook by Jack Lyon makes it all easier.

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Editing Charlie Coppack Editing Charlie Coppack

15 Ways English Spelling Is Trying to Hurt You

Admit it: English spelling is evil and wants you to suffer.

It’s not just that the rules are weird and capricious and there’s an exception to everything. That’s the inevitable fallout of centuries of what linguists call “language contact” and most other people call “invasions and trading.”

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How to Write a Great Instruction in PerfectIt

If your goal is to get everyone in your organization or group to follow your house style—and to learn the principles behind it—there’s more to it than simply adding terms and adjusting settings in the Style Sheet Editor. The exact words you use to describe the issue make a difference.

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Editing Christopher Wright Editing Christopher Wright

The Cocktail-Party Guide to Hyphens

Hyphenation can seem like the editor’s party trick. A party trick is something that few people know how to do, and while it’s not that important to most people, it’s always impressive to see someone pull it off. You know, like tying a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue.

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Editing Charlie Coppack Editing Charlie Coppack

12 Tricks for Epically Bad Document Security

Hyphenation can seem like the editor’s party trick. A party trick is something that few people know how to do, and while it’s not that important to most people, it’s always impressive to see someone pull it off. You know, like tying a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue.

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Proposal Writing, Editing Charlie Coppack Proposal Writing, Editing Charlie Coppack

Marry Me, Maybe? (How Not to Write Proposals)

Those of us writing business proposals can’t rely on a Hollywood ending. Bid documents require the art of persuasion. That’s more of a challenge for many of us than we would like it to be. So if you’re more concerned about huge grants than Hugh Grant, here are some things to watch out for when writing proposals, bids, and other pieces designed to sell your company to clients.

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Editing Charlie Coppack Editing Charlie Coppack

10 Ways to Name Your Editorial Company

You’re taking the plunge: you’re setting up as a freelance editor. You’re going to have your own company and you’re going to get clients and edit their text and invoice them and make a good living as a midwife of words. But the first choice you face is a big one: What are you going to name your company?

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Editing Charlie Coppack Editing Charlie Coppack

Are You a Felix Unger?

If you read the title and just said “Don’t you mean Felix Ungar?” then you know you are. The very fact that you’re reading this makes it likely that you’re a Felix. You’re probably an editor, and editors tend to be Felixes (or should that be Felices?).

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Editing Charlie Coppack Editing Charlie Coppack

"A" Versus "An": An Article about Articles

Here’s a quick test on when to use a and an. Spot the errors: I was at an historic occasion, a meeting at a hotel near an university to discuss an HUD directive, when my recorder ran out of power. For want of an AA battery, my records of the meeting were lost, and it was all consigned to no more than a * in an MS.

How many slip-ups do you count? There are actually six mistakes in there. Let’s see what they are—and why!

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Medical Writing


Proposal Writing