
Give us feedback

Something to tell us? We’d love to hear it.

If you'd like to share with the world how much you love PerfectIt, feel free to submit a review on one of the following platforms: G2, the Microsoft Store, Capterra, or SourceForge. Your feedback is invaluable and helps others discover how PerfectIt can make a difference.

If you’d like to suggest improvements to PerfectIt tell us at

If you’ve found an error or bug, we would appreciate you submitting a request through our support page. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback!

Leave a testimonial

If you’d like to share with the world how much you love PerfectIt, please fill in this form.

We may include all or a portion of the testimonial that you enter here in our marketing materials or on our website.

Leave a review in the Microsoft Store

If you’re using PerfectIt Cloud, your review or rating matters more than you might think. It gives new users confidence to try PerfectIt, and it helps make Microsoft aware how much our users want to see improvements such as footnotes and tracked changes that we cannot deliver at the moment. So even if you have never rated or reviewed a product before, please take two minutes to add a note about PerfectIt on the Microsoft Store.

Need more info? Here’s how to add your review.

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