What’s Better than Technical Support from the CEO?

By Daniel Heuman

What’s better than a company where the CEO answers support questions?

It sounds amazing to have a direct line to the CEO. And anyone who has contacted Intelligent Editing for technical support over the last ten years has had literally that. What could possibly be better?

Anything. Literally anything.

A CEO who answers support emails is one who could be solving the problem that made you contact support in the first place!

I care deeply about our users. So for the last ten years, I’ve given customer support as much time as I possibly could. But at best, it has just had scraps of my attention. Now we can do so much better. Chris McKay has joined Intelligent Editing to be 100% dedicated to customer success. If you contact us now, our capacity to answer your support questions is four or five times what it was just two months ago.

Chris is passionate about all aspects of the customer experience, from wrangling the toughest support queries to facilitating remote training sessions and content creation efforts. In his own words, he acts "under the aegis of the customer to ensure that they have an advocate in the further development of PerfectIt as the brilliant product they love." He enjoys finding the "Ah ha!" moments in support – whether it's from shedding light on aspects of PerfectIt that you didn't know existed or from helping to resolve elusive bugs.

Chris has exciting plans to improve our onboarding process, improve our support times, and make sure we give each question the time it deserves. Our service will be better and our users will be happier. While our promise remains to answer support questions within 24 hours on weekdays, the reality is that if you email support when Chris is working (Monday to Friday from 8am to 5pm EST), he usually gets to queries that same day.

Of course, passing control of support to Chris has its downsides. I’ve enjoyed the rumours of how I never sleep (hint: I was in a different time zone). I’ve enjoyed having people accuse me of being a service or a bot (because obviously it isn’t REALLY the founder of the company answering basic support questions). However, the biggest downside is personal. I’ll miss the daily interaction with our users. Please continue to send your feedback and suggestions for PerfectIt. Those all still find their way to me. And please say hello at conferences. In the year ahead, I plan to be at ACESAPMPAMWA, and hopefully some others too.

It feels strange for me to not be answering support questions. However, what people want from PerfectIt isn’t a conversation with me when something goes wrong. What everyone wants is a product that works better and does more. With Chris taking over our customer service, that’s exactly what we can give you. And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

Daniel Heuman is the CEO and Founder of Intelligent Editing.


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