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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

Billing and Burnout: Are You a Lawyer or a Word Processor?

Dissatisfaction with the practice of law can often be attributed to the fact that lawyers spend nearly as much time acting as word processors as they do solving complex and interesting legal problems. Ironically, clients are also dissatisfied with the amount of time spent on document preparation. Combined it leads to lawyers facing extreme billing pressure, boredom, and burnout all at once.

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

Better Law Review Editing in Less Time

Law review is an honor, a privilege and a highly coveted credential. Participation is a required step on the path to prestigious clerkships and securing permanent offers with the best law firms. It is also a great way to become efficient at Bluebooking, to become accustomed to detail-oriented work, and to learn to manage your time wisely.

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Legal Writing Zygmunt Andrew Spray Legal Writing Zygmunt Andrew Spray

Better Legal Writing Starts with Confident Legal Writing

When junior and mid-level associates aim to improve their legal writing, most try to be better, clearer, more concise, more persuasive, or more precise. I have yet to meet anyone who declares that they want to be a more confident legal writer. Yet if you lack confidence then increasing it is key. Confidence in your legal writing will help you meet your objectives. Training providers should take note because confidence also improves productivity and efficiency.

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

Advice to My Young Associate Self

I can vividly remember what my young associate days were like. As part of the class of 2008, I graduated with classmates who had offers rescinded or who were furloughed as the economy tanked. Good grades were no longer enough, an offer was not a guarantee of a job, there was no longer time to ramp up in an apprenticeship format, and our mountains of debt made failure not an option.

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

Busting Legal Myths About Microsoft Word

Discussion about new legal tech tools has reached a fever pitch. It seems that, every day, there are new applications for artificial intelligence and blockchain. Lawyers are dreaming big and imagining ground-breaking new technologies. But what about simple technology tools that already exist? There’s powerful productivity software available—and it’s probably already installed on your computer.

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

How to Improve Your Legal Writing

Producing high quality legal writing is vitally important to success as a lawyer—but it’s difficult to learn. We have brilliant legal writing gurus, such as Bryan Garner, Ken Adams, and Gary Kinder to guide us, yet most legal writing isn’t good. How is that possible?

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

Debunking Lawyers’ Myths About MS Word

Lawyers are struggling with basic office technology and aren’t recognizing how this hurts productivity. This is particularly true with MS Word, a program that is ubiquitous throughout legal practice, and one that, as lawyers, we believe we already know how to use. Don’t let these six myths stand in the way of getting the training you need to work smarter and get more from each day.

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Legal Writing Zygmunt Andrew Spray Legal Writing Zygmunt Andrew Spray

Four Tips for Engaging with Diverse Legal Tech Entrepreneurs

Diversity is important to legal tech because it brings in different perspectives, which yield different solutions. Yet, diversity is often reduced to a buzzword and a checkbox. When that happens, the legal tech industry misses out on unique and compelling stories, dynamic expertise, and connections that could convince others to embrace technology rather than resist its adoption.

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

How to Meet the Duty of Technology Competence

Technology competence is now a requirement for all lawyers. The majority of the states have adopted revised Model Rule 1.1, so it has reached a tipping point: Technology competence has moved from optional to essential. So what do you need to do to ensure that that your tech skills are adequate? This article discusses two options for gaining technology competence: delegation and training.

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