The PerfectIt Blog

Here you will find tips and tricks for more efficient editing techniques and improved content. Explore a wealth of ideas, practical advice, and industry best practices that will help you save time while improving the quality of your written documents.

Technical Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt Technical Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt

The 2020 Guide to Using Word Wildcards

Your anguished cry rings out in the middle of the night: “Why, oh why, did I accept this stupid freelance job?” You know the answer: The client offered you twice as much money as you’d ordinarily get for a job like this because the deadline is tight. But now that deadline is looming, and there’s still a lot of work ahead. If only you knew how to use wildcard find and replace!

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

Don’t Stop Writing!

At last! You have your idea, you have your outline, you have the time, and you have your blank screen in front of you. Nothing can stop you from writing now! Nothing? Well, except the phone, emails, social media, self-doubt, and even the software you’re using… Writing is hard. It requires focus and momentum. Even if you think you can deal with the distractions, it doesn’t take much to send your train of thought off the rails.

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Product News, Styles, Business of Editing PerfectIt Product News, Styles, Business of Editing PerfectIt

PerfectIt 4.1: Editors Into Educators

The new version of PerfectIt is a bigger deal than that “.1” suggests. As with any new software version, it has lots of small fixes and improvements. However, it has one huge new capability. For the first time, you can control exactly what PerfectIt checks. Now you can turn PerfectIt into a custom checker designed (by you) to lift writing standards at your organization.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

What Can You Teach with PerfectIt?

If you build your preferences into PerfectIt, then it can help raise writing standards at your organization. If there’s text that you don’t have time to check, you can use PerfectIt to help your colleagues avoid errors. Even on documents that you will check, PerfectIt can help your colleagues identify errors earlier and improve their own writing.

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Business of Editing Zygmunt Andrew Spray Business of Editing Zygmunt Andrew Spray

How to Decide If You Should Italicize Foreign Words and Phrases

It’s easy to press the italics button in Microsoft Word, but have you ever wondered if you’re using italics correctly? One of the common uses of italic type is for words and phrases that are in a foreign language. You might have noticed that documents in English use italics if, for example, any French, German or Latin words appear.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

The Top 10 Inconsistent Spellings

We used PerfectIt, Intelligent Editing's add-in for MS Word that finds inconsistencies, to check 1200 randomly selected documents. Each document was 1500 words or more and was downloaded from the internet. The results were staggering. Everyone knows not to use two different spellings for the same word, but we found that more than a quarter of documents published online did exactly that. The worst offender was 'organise' and 'organize', which came up in more than 10% of all documents (including all the sub-variations, such as 'organization' and 'organizes'). But it was far from the only one. Here's the full top 10.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

The Top 10 Consistency Mistakes

The first line of defense against consistency errors is simply being aware of them. The Top 10 errors listed below give authors and editors a reminder of important things to check before documents are published. However, the best way to improve consistency in documents is to run PerfectIt.

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Medical Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt Medical Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt

Six Tips to Speed Up How You Edit Medical Documents

As a medical writer, your team depends on you to catch errors, large and small. It’s your job to make sure that months or even years of hard work on a regulatory submission, grant application, or research article aren’t undermined by small imperfections that make a bad impression and weaken your team’s credibility.

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Styles, Business of Editing PerfectIt Styles, Business of Editing PerfectIt

Can You Give Editing Advice Without Colleagues Hating You for It?

People resent being corrected. No matter how big or small the problem is, no one likes to feel scolded. You may be the office editorial expert, but your co-workers won’t welcome unsolicited instruction on how to use software they’ve been using for years; and they certainly don’t want to hear that words they’ve used their whole lives are offensive to company stakeholders.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

The Top 10 Undefined Acronyms/Abbreviations

Most abbreviations do require a definition. In any case where readers might be confused by TLAs (three letter abbreviations), it's important that they be defined in the text or in a Table of Abbreviations. A research proposal or article with complicated and confusing abbreviations is one that will quickly face rejection. The problem is that authors become so familiar with abbreviations that they forget to define them. To test how prevalent the problem is, we used PerfectIt, the add-in for MS Word that locates undefined abbreviations, to check 3000 randomly selected documents.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

Ten Tips for Self-Editing

The best way to self-edit a document is not to. Seriously: You should get an editor’s help whenever you can. The cost is probably less than you think. The work will come back faster than you think. And you are better off if you don’t try to go it alone. You can find more details in You Should Hire an Editor.

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Medical Writing


Proposal Writing