The PerfectIt Blog

Here you will find tips and tricks for more efficient editing techniques and improved content. Explore a wealth of ideas, practical advice, and industry best practices that will help you save time while improving the quality of your written documents.

Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

The 17 Kinds of Hyphens You Must… Wait, Seriously, 17?

Hyphens are like little screws that hold words together. Now, if you’ve ever gone to a hardware store to buy screws, you know that there are a lot of different kinds of screws. But hyphens? They all look the same – well, within any specific font, anyway. So you might think there’s just one kind of hyphen. You’d be wrong. Full-on, abso-bloody-lutely wrong.

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Proposal Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt Proposal Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt

Check Your Proposal or Bid Document for Free with PerfectIt

If you’re bidding for a contract or responding to a request for proposals (RFP), it doesn’t matter whether it’s small or large. From research funding in the thousands to infrastructure in the billions, there’s always a great deal at stake. Whether it’s jobs that depend on a contract or research that can alter lives, the outcomes of proposal documents could not be more significant. That’s why it’s crucial that your words make the best impression.

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Business of Editing Daniel Heuman Business of Editing Daniel Heuman

Non-breaking Spaces: How to Check Something You Cannot Even See

Non-breaking spaces, also known as no-break, non-breakable, hard or fixed spaces, are characters that look exactly like regular spaces. You cannot see the difference between a non-breaking space and a regular space either on the page or on most screens. The difference between a non-breaking space and a regular space is how it is treated if it happens to separate two words at the end of a line of text.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

Should You Use Accents in Your Text?

With each of these examples, you have a choice to make. Should you include these special marks, or leave them out? These are diacritical marks, or diacritics, and they include accents, cedillas and more. Often, the term ‘accents’ is used colloquially for all of them, and that’s the term we’ll adopt here.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

How to Find Brackets and Quotes Left Open

Why do small mistakes slip through even when we try so hard to iron them out? Scientists are only beginning to come up with answers. For instance, psychologist Tom Stafford of the University of Sheffield explains that writers make errors because they are busy concentrating on the high-level task of conveying meaning, whereas readers pick up typos because reading requires less brain power.

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Business of Editing Daniel Heuman Business of Editing Daniel Heuman

Editing Tips from the World's Worst Editor

I've never understood why people think I must be a good editor just because I designed PerfectIt. PerfectIt is used by over 1000 professional editors around the world, including over 400 members of the Society for Editors and Proofreaders. But I didn't design PerfectIt because I'm a good editor. I designed it because I'm a terrible editor!

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

Man versus Machine: The Ultimate Editing Challenge

By beating Gary Kasparov in 1997, Deep Blue proved that a computer could beat the best in the world at chess. But what about editing documents? For years, the idea of computer-aided editing was little more than a joke. However, in the age of voice recognition and machine translation, have computer checkers reached the point where they can defeat professional editors at what they do best? One editor agreed to take the challenge.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

Five Ways that Consistency Matters

Thomas Mann observed that "a writer is somebody for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people". That's because professional writers know they need to eliminate obstacles to understanding. The more such obstacles they eliminate, the easier it is for readers to focus on the thoughts being conveyed.

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Business of Editing Katy Alderson Business of Editing Katy Alderson

Bullets, Numbers and Lists: How Small Errors Have a Big Impact

Lists, bullets and numbers help to make text stand out (especially when they're used sparingly). But if there are errors in the text, those errors will stand out too. It doesn't matter that details like capitalization or punctuation inconsistencies seem small. The truth is that if they're in a bulleted/numbered list, they'll leap out at readers.

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Medical Writing


Proposal Writing