The PerfectIt Blog

Here you will find tips and tricks for more efficient editing techniques and improved content. Explore a wealth of ideas, practical advice, and industry best practices that will help you save time while improving the quality of your written documents.

Charlie Coppack Charlie Coppack

Business Management Efficiency

There’s no one right way to run your business, only the way that works for you at any given moment. It’s all trial and error. Efficiency isn’t about what you do so much as doing it the same way every time.

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Styles PerfectIt Styles PerfectIt

What Makes a Truly Great Corporate House Style?

The first thing you need for truly great corporate documents is a truly great style guide. Knowing it all off the top of your head is not good enough. You’re not the only person handling the text and you may leave the company someday. More importantly, no human can ever be one hundred percent consistent.

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How to Write a Great Instruction in PerfectIt

If your goal is to get everyone in your organization or group to follow your house style—and to learn the principles behind it—there’s more to it than simply adding terms and adjusting settings in the Style Sheet Editor. The exact words you use to describe the issue make a difference.

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Business of Editing Charlie Coppack Business of Editing Charlie Coppack

10 Ways to Name Your Editorial Company

You’re taking the plunge: you’re setting up as a freelance editor. You’re going to have your own company and you’re going to get clients and edit their text and invoice them and make a good living as a midwife of words. But the first choice you face is a big one: What are you going to name your company?

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Business of Editing Charlie Coppack Business of Editing Charlie Coppack

Are You a Felix Unger?

If you read the title and just said “Don’t you mean Felix Ungar?” then you know you are. The very fact that you’re reading this makes it likely that you’re a Felix. You’re probably an editor, and editors tend to be Felixes (or should that be Felices?).

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

The Top 10 Consistency Mistakes

The first line of defense against consistency errors is simply being aware of them. The Top 10 errors listed below give authors and editors a reminder of important things to check before documents are published. However, the best way to improve consistency in documents is to run PerfectIt.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

The Top 10 Undefined Acronyms/Abbreviations

Most abbreviations do require a definition. In any case where readers might be confused by TLAs (three letter abbreviations), it's important that they be defined in the text or in a Table of Abbreviations. A research proposal or article with complicated and confusing abbreviations is one that will quickly face rejection. The problem is that authors become so familiar with abbreviations that they forget to define them. To test how prevalent the problem is, we used PerfectIt, the add-in for MS Word that locates undefined abbreviations, to check 3000 randomly selected documents.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

Ten Tips for Self-Editing

The best way to self-edit a document is not to. Seriously: You should get an editor’s help whenever you can. The cost is probably less than you think. The work will come back faster than you think. And you are better off if you don’t try to go it alone. You can find more details in You Should Hire an Editor.

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Product News PerfectIt Product News PerfectIt

PerfectIt Cloud Now Available

PerfectIt Cloud brings all of PerfectIt’s checking to Mac and iPad users for the first time. Users will have the same experience using PerfectIt Cloud on any Office 365 device, whether working on Mac, PC, iPad or Word Online. It integrates directly into Microsoft Word via the Office Store.

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Legal Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt Legal Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt

The Top 10 Capitalization Inconsistencies

We used PerfectIt, Intelligent Editing's add-in for MS Word that finds inconsistencies, to check 3000 randomly selected documents. PerfectIt provides a powerful way to check for inconsistent capitalization because it: Finds entire phrases in capitals, not just individual words; ignores headings and other locations where capital letters are needed; only alerts users to phrases that are both capitalized and lowercase in the same document.

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Medical Writing


Proposal Writing