The PerfectIt Blog

Here you will find tips and tricks for more efficient editing techniques and improved content. Explore a wealth of ideas, practical advice, and industry best practices that will help you save time while improving the quality of your written documents.

Product News Hannah Scott Product News Hannah Scott

PerfectIt for PowerPoint: A Joke Becomes a Dream

The first time that a customer told me they wanted PerfectIt for PowerPoint, I tried not to laugh. Our Chief Engineer and I joked about it. We even drew up a specification document for what it would look like. No matter what slide you ran it on, it would simply say “Use fewer words”.

However, the requests for PerfectIt for PowerPoint kept coming. We track every single request (no matter how odd it seems to us). We stopped joking when we reached five. At ten, we knew we had to understand more and we started researching it properly. At fifty requests, including from some of the biggest companies in the world, we started development.

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Styles PerfectIt Styles PerfectIt

What Makes a Truly Great Corporate House Style?

The first thing you need for truly great corporate documents is a truly great style guide. Knowing it all off the top of your head is not good enough. You’re not the only person handling the text and you may leave the company someday. More importantly, no human can ever be one hundred percent consistent.

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Medical Writing PerfectIt Medical Writing PerfectIt

Disease Names, and How to Treat Them (At Least Editorially Speaking)

Health conditions are varied and complicated. They can cause pain, confusion, dizziness, slack jaw, belly aches… and that’s just their names! Take for example Stein-Leventhal syndrome, polycystic ovary syndrome, chronic hyperandrogenic anovulation, CHA, and PCOS. As different as they look, these five have something in common: they’re all names for the same thing.

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Medical Writing, Product News, Styles Christopher Wright Medical Writing, Product News, Styles Christopher Wright

Why We Built a Plain Language Summary Style in PerfectIt

In December 2022 we launched our Medical Plain Language Summary style. It’s launched in beta as a living document, and we hope that the medical writing community will continue giving us feedback so that we can keep making it more useful for medical communicators working with plain language summaries.

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Product News Charlie Coppack Product News Charlie Coppack

Introducing New PerfectIt Subscriptions

In December 2022 we launched our Medical Plain Language Summary style. It’s launched in beta as a living document, and we hope that the medical writing community will continue giving us feedback so that we can keep making it more useful for medical communicators working with plain language summaries.

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How to Write a Great Instruction in PerfectIt

If your goal is to get everyone in your organization or group to follow your house style—and to learn the principles behind it—there’s more to it than simply adding terms and adjusting settings in the Style Sheet Editor. The exact words you use to describe the issue make a difference.

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Business of Editing Christopher Wright Business of Editing Christopher Wright

The Cocktail-Party Guide to Hyphens

Hyphenation can seem like the editor’s party trick. A party trick is something that few people know how to do, and while it’s not that important to most people, it’s always impressive to see someone pull it off. You know, like tying a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue.

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Technical Writing, Business of Editing Charlie Coppack Technical Writing, Business of Editing Charlie Coppack

Numbered Lists and Bullet Lists: Why and How?

There are five important things to watch for in numbered and bulleted lists. If you’re editing according to a style manual such as The Chicago Manual of Style, you’ll have good guidance for many of these things. But even if your style is entirely at your discretion, you’ll still want to think before you list.

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Medical Writing Charlie Coppack Medical Writing Charlie Coppack

8 Hacks to Nail Your Next Plain Language Summary

It’s important to get a PLS right. When done well, these summaries can improve health literacy in the general public and encourage the pharmaceutical companies that sponsor clinical research to operate more transparently. These eight hacks, adapted from tips by the Plain Language Association International and The Center for Plain Language, will help you master your next PLS.

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Technical Writing Charlie Coppack Technical Writing Charlie Coppack

How to Understand Your Audience in Technical Writing

Knowing your audience is critical in technical writing. If your content isn’t catered to the right audience, your readers may be turned off by your copy. They may not understand the critical information you’re trying to convey. And if you have to rewrite your copy? That’s a waste of time, resources, and effort. So how do you tailor content to specific audiences? Here’s a three-step process for learning about your audience and producing content specific to their needs.

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Technical Writing, Proposal Writing PerfectIt Technical Writing, Proposal Writing PerfectIt

Seven Ways to Wow the Technical Grant Proposal Review Committee

The importance of good writing in technical grant proposals is significantly underestimated. Have a thought for the grant review committees. Reviewing 40 or 50 grant applications for three or four funding opportunities is depressing enough, but when they are written by scientists, engineers and tech people with few writing skills, it can be agony. Are you surprised that grant proposal reviewers respond better to well-written proposals?

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

It's Official: Two Spaces Are a Waste of Space (and How to Cope with the Aftermath)

One event of 2020 that might have passed you by: using two spaces after a period is now officially a formatting error. At least, according to Microsoft. The extra space is now marked with a blue squiggly line. This may not have been the biggest news this year. However, it’s a joyful win in a long, painful battle between the die-hard double-spacers, relics from the time of typewriters and fixed-width fonts, and typographers, and their supporters, who feel passionately that the additional space is an insult to modern font designers.

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

Four Ways PerfectIt Keeps You from Embarrassing Yourself in Legal Docs

How do you feel when you unwittingly show the public your private thoughts? It’s bad enough in your personal life, but when you practice law, there can be real consequences when your exposed private thoughts relate to a client representation. In addition to public humiliation, there’s also professional reprimand for disclosing client confidences. It’s not just what you say, it’s also what you write—or decided not to write.

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Medical Writing


Proposal Writing