The PerfectIt Blog

Here you will find tips and tricks for more efficient editing techniques and improved content. Explore a wealth of ideas, practical advice, and industry best practices that will help you save time while improving the quality of your written documents.

Styles PerfectIt Styles PerfectIt

What Makes a Truly Great Corporate House Style?

The first thing you need for truly great corporate documents is a truly great style guide. Knowing it all off the top of your head is not good enough. You’re not the only person handling the text and you may leave the company someday. More importantly, no human can ever be one hundred percent consistent.

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How to Write a Great Instruction in PerfectIt

If your goal is to get everyone in your organization or group to follow your house style—and to learn the principles behind it—there’s more to it than simply adding terms and adjusting settings in the Style Sheet Editor. The exact words you use to describe the issue make a difference.

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Technical Writing Charlie Coppack Technical Writing Charlie Coppack

How to Understand Your Audience in Technical Writing

Knowing your audience is critical in technical writing. If your content isn’t catered to the right audience, your readers may be turned off by your copy. They may not understand the critical information you’re trying to convey. And if you have to rewrite your copy? That’s a waste of time, resources, and effort. So how do you tailor content to specific audiences? Here’s a three-step process for learning about your audience and producing content specific to their needs.

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Who Knows Their WHO Style?

The COVID-19 pandemic has shined a spotlight on the World Health Organization (WHO), an intergovernmental organization that works worldwide to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable. As part of their work, WHO publishes a range of documents, from international health standards, to “situation reports” describing progress in fighting a disease, to advice for the public on staying safe and healthy.

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Legal Writing, Styles PerfectIt Legal Writing, Styles PerfectIt

How to Work with Government Publishing Office (GPO) Style

The GPO Style Manual, last updated in 2016, is the official guide to the form and style of the U.S. Government Publishing Office. The electronic version is free to download. Although designed for use in Federal Government printing and publishing, the GPO Style Manual is relied upon by writers and editors both within and outside the Federal Government.

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Five Things to Check in Microsoft Style

The Microsoft Writing Style Guide is the go-to style for information technology (IT)–specific communications. The IT audience is large and varied, ranging from help desk staff to chief technology officers. The people that make up that audience come from all over the world and speak many different languages.

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Technical Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt Technical Writing, Business of Editing PerfectIt

The 2020 Guide to Using Word Wildcards

Your anguished cry rings out in the middle of the night: “Why, oh why, did I accept this stupid freelance job?” You know the answer: The client offered you twice as much money as you’d ordinarily get for a job like this because the deadline is tight. But now that deadline is looming, and there’s still a lot of work ahead. If only you knew how to use wildcard find and replace!

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Styles PerfectIt Styles PerfectIt

Managing Multiple Styles in PerfectIt

PerfectIt makes it easy to set up a unique style sheet for every client, journal, publishing house, or agency that you work with. However, clients have preferences that overlap; and you probably have some preferences that apply to all clients. So what’s the best way to organize styles in PerfectIt?

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Legal Writing PerfectIt Legal Writing PerfectIt

Four Ways PerfectIt Keeps You from Embarrassing Yourself in Legal Docs

How do you feel when you unwittingly show the public your private thoughts? It’s bad enough in your personal life, but when you practice law, there can be real consequences when your exposed private thoughts relate to a client representation. In addition to public humiliation, there’s also professional reprimand for disclosing client confidences. It’s not just what you say, it’s also what you write—or decided not to write.

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Product News, Styles, Business of Editing PerfectIt Product News, Styles, Business of Editing PerfectIt

PerfectIt 4.1: Editors Into Educators

The new version of PerfectIt is a bigger deal than that “.1” suggests. As with any new software version, it has lots of small fixes and improvements. However, it has one huge new capability. For the first time, you can control exactly what PerfectIt checks. Now you can turn PerfectIt into a custom checker designed (by you) to lift writing standards at your organization.

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Business of Editing PerfectIt Business of Editing PerfectIt

What Can You Teach with PerfectIt?

If you build your preferences into PerfectIt, then it can help raise writing standards at your organization. If there’s text that you don’t have time to check, you can use PerfectIt to help your colleagues avoid errors. Even on documents that you will check, PerfectIt can help your colleagues identify errors earlier and improve their own writing.

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