Mistakes in technical writing have consequences

Typos, inconsistencies, and errors in technical terms can damage your reputation and introduce risk. They can even cause major accidents. PerfectIt for MS Word can help ensure documents are error-free.

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Spots mistakes in technical terms that spelling checkers won't find

Errors in spelling of technical terms will hurt your credibility. Using the wrong word can be more embarrassing than a typo and confuse your readers. Spellcheck won’t help you with these. PerfectIt checks for consistency and style preferences customized by you.

Avoid confusion with consistent capitalization

Juggling styles from competing sources can lead to inconsistency. PerfectIt checks for consistent capitalization of headings, words and phrases, and customized capitalization preferences

Don't waste your brilliance hunting down acronym definitions

Let PerfectIt handle the acronyms. PerfectIt will check that every acronym is defined just once, the first time it appears. And it will produce a report of all acronyms used in the document.

Avoid errors and protect your reputation

Try PerfectIt free for 14 days

Is checking numbering of tables and figures the bane of your life?

PerfectIt ensures tables appear in the correct order, checks for missing table/figure headings, and points out inconsistent naming.

Pulling together materials from different contributors?

Are you working with multiple writers and subject matter experts? Ensure your documents are free from insensitive, inappropriate, or dated terminology and speak with one voice.

Run PerfectIt on your next document for free

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Are your lists and tables perfect?

Lists, bullets, and tables contain some of your most important information. As a result, inconsistencies are immediately noticeable. PerfectIt makes checking consistency easy.

A missing hyphen is a spelling error

Does hyphenation matter? That depends on the outcome. With PerfectIt you can enforce consistent use of hyphens in common words and phrases, as well as complex industry terms.

14-day free trial or purchase with a 30-day money-back guarantee

Whether you're a freelancer or a Fortune 500 company, PerfectIt is priced to quickly pay for itself in the time saved. And if you're not completely happy, we will give you your money back!

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