Deliver winning proposals faster

Save time editing proposal responses so you can focus on what matters most: writing a winning bid.

Find out why PerfectIt is used by proposal teams across the world. Check your next proposal for free.

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Speed up proposal revisions

Proposal writing is challenging, especially with tight deadlines. Blending input from multiple contributors, SMEs, and boilerplate text often leads to inconsistencies that take ages to fix.

PerfectIt makes it easier to spot and correct these issues, saving you time and stress.

Instantly check acronyms

PerfectIt’s acronym checks are a game-changer for proposal writers. Check each acronym is defined the first time it's used in a proposal response and quickly locate mistakes and inconsistencies, such as undefined acronyms or multiple definitions.

PerfectIt catches these errors fast, saving you time and improving the readability and credibility of your proposals.

Ensure your proposals speak with one voice

Successful proposals require a unified voice across all team contributions. The secret? A solid proposal style guide covering terminology, capitalization, and spelling preferences. But do your writers follow the style guide? That means knowing what to check! PerfectIt makes it easy to enforce style guides, as you can build your preferences into the tool. You can build all your clients’ styles in too, so PerfectIt checks for their specific preferences.

Free your team from hours spent checking for tiny errors

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Check for consistency

If you hyphenate or capitalize a word then you must be consistent. Unfortunately, consistency errors are difficult to find, especially because multiple readthroughs can make you overly familiar with your own text. But your evaluators will spot them, and that may distract them or cause them to doubt the quality of your proposal.

PerfectIt can check your whole proposal fast for easy-to-miss mistakes in product and trademark names, and in the capitalization of words like "University", "Chapter”, "Board", and "Project".

Automate tedious numbering of tables and figures

Some authors use Word’s automatic numbering; others don’t. That can be a challenge in a proposal, with tables and numbering each contributed by a different team member. All it takes is one table or figure to be inserted out of order, and the labelling can become nonsensical with textual references pointing to the wrong item. Getting the order wrong can be even worse. Make sure that Table 3 never appears before Table 2!

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