The MS Word Plug-In For Paralegals and Lawyers

Simplify tedious legal proofreading with the PerfectIt™ plug-in for MS Word

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The American Bar Association Wrote:

"PerfectIt’s American Legal Style programmed thousands of common errors and hard-to-remember rules [including those] based upon The Bluebook, Black’s Law Dictionary, The Redbook: A Manual on Legal Style and The Elements of Style."

Automate Bluebook, Redbook, Black's Law, and more

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Find and correct inconsistencies in your legal writing, automatically

PerfectIt’s legal checking was designed by lawyers. It includes 13,000 legal-specific checks that only lawyers and trained legal editors would know to look for.

Automate tedious citations

Checking that citations meet Bluebook requirements for punctuation and spacing, accuracy of court and reporter names, and case name abbreviations is tedious. An incorrect citation can even lead you to the wrong authority. PerfectIt helps by finding errors and uniformly applying Bluebook rules throughout your document.

The most common legal writing errors programmed in

Lawyers use words differently. So built-in spelling- and grammar-checkers don’t catch most legal mistakes—and they can even introduce errors. PerfectIt can help. To create PerfectIt’s legal checking, we conducted numerous page-by-page reviews of the leading legal style guides and dictionaries, and programmed in the most common errors. We also used real-world law practice experience to anticipate mistakes and recommend corrections.

Find consistency errors automatically with PerfectIt

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